The consent log records the consent and other details of all the users interacting with the banner on your website. 

Navigation to Consents:

Navigate to Cookie Compliance from the side menu and click on Consent Log.

Basic View: Basic view shows one record per unique interaction. When you expand any Interaction ID, it shows the category-wise consent.

Graphical user interface, application, website??Description automatically generated

Detailed View: Detailed view shows the one record per transaction. The transaction here shows the cookie category.

Interaction ID

A unique identification number is allotted to each interaction with the banner. This interaction ID is saved in the visitor’s browser as well as in the application for demonstrating the compliance.  

This interaction ID is changed when visitors change their consent.

Consent status

Accepted All

Accepted all the essential and non-essential cookies.

Accepted Some

Accepted all the essential and some non-essential cookies.


Declined all the non-essential cookies.

Domain from which consent was submitted

It records the domain URL on which the visitor has provided their consent.

Anonymized IP Address

It records the anonymized IP address of the user providing their consent. Their IP address is made anonymous by setting the last digits of their IP address to zero.

User Location

It records the name of the country from which the visitor is accessing the website.

Consent date and time

It records the exact date and time of providing consent by the visitors

Relevant Resources: