What is third party cookie blocking?

Third-party cookie blocking is a vital component of safeguarding your online privacy. It involves the process of preventing websites from storing third-party cookies on your browser, thereby limiting tracking and data collection by external entities. By disabling third-party cookies, users can control the information shared with advertisers and other organizations across different websites.

What is Third-Party Cookie?

A third-party cookie is placed on a website by anyone (service partners, advertisers, etc.) other than the owner and collects user data for the third party. In other words, third-party cookies are set by a domain name that is not the one that appears in your browser address bar.

Website owners use them to track website visitors, improve the user experience, and collect data that helps them target ads to the right audiences. Third-parties cookies are placed on a website by adding scripts or tags.

For example, if you visited a website and viewed specific clothing, a cookie might be placed in your browser. When you later visit any social media website such as Facebook, the third-party cookie shows you the ads for that clothing on a social media website.

To enhance online privacy, many users choose to block third-party cookies, minimizing tracking by external entities while browsing the web.


Concerns with Third-Party Cookies

Consumers are concerned about their privacy with third-party cookies as Cookies allow companies to track every website they visited; marketers collect a lot of data about them, which can be very uncomfortable for consumers, especially since almost anyone can access this data.

Many data privacy management software companies often point out that users can enable or disable third-party cookies depending on the level of their concerns and their personal preferences. It is vital to block the third-party cookies based on the visitor's preference and not place third-party cookies on their computers.

The companies cannot comply with the data privacy regulatory requirements if you have a cookie consent banner on your website but not blocking third-party cookies based on consumer preference to use the cookies sensibly.   

As a publisher, it’s essential to adjust to shifts in online privacy. Visitors generally block third-party cookies, enabling us to understand how to distribute content to our audience while respecting their privacy preferences 


How Mandtly helps you block Third-party Cookies? 

Mandatly Cookie Compliance Solution can automatically block cookies on your website until users consent. All the major third-party scripts used on a website are detected by our solution, and their cookies are prevented from being set.

How to block third-party cookies is a common question among internet users seeking to protect their online privacy and reduce tracking from external websites.

Follow the below mentioned steps to implement Cookie Banner for your website:

  • Go to Cookie Compliance à Websites 
  • Add your website domain 
  • Copy the Script and insert it in your website HTML code

This code should be inserted in the header (<head> section) of your website as the first Script before all other scripts. Code should be inserted on every page where the banner should be shown. It is important to load this banner before any other script so that the auto-block functionality works.  


For the cookies not blocked automatically, please follow the below methods:

  1. Tag the Third-Party Script to Events
    Block third-party cookies by tagging the third-party scripts to custom events on your website.
  2. Blocking Third-Party Cookies using GTM
    Block third party cookies by using the Mandatly events integrated with the Google Tag Manager.
  3. Add Source URL to relevant Third-Party Cookies
    Block third-party cookies automatically using Mandatly's Cookie Compliance Solution.