Opt out of Selling and Sharing of Personal Data
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides consumers with the right to opt-out – meaning, the right to tell a business to stop selling their personal information. To promote consumer awareness of this right, the Attorney General of California has developed a recognizable and uniform opt-out icon that businesses can use on their website and in their establishments.
To comply with state laws in California, Colorado, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Virginia laws that grant consumers the ability to opt out of specific data sharing and selling practices consumers can exercise your right to opt out of such practices. These regulations cover the "selling," "sharing," or "profiling" of personal information.
Consumers have the right to instruct a business at any time to refrain from selling or sharing their personal information with third parties.
This guide describes the few simple steps to implement the “Your Privacy Choices” link as required by CPRA and other regulations under states of United States.
Methods of Opting Out [Prerequisites]
There are two primary ways to opt out of the sale and sharing of their personal data: