Banner Design allows you to configure, design, and view your Cookie Consent Banner. You have several options to accommodate different Banner and Preference styles to comply with various privacy regulations.

Navigation to Banner Design:

After filling in the basic details, the next tab is Banner Design.

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Consent Settings:

Method (Consent method): Mandatly allows you to select two consent methods – Explicit Consent and Implied Consent.

  1. Explicit Consent: By selecting "Explicit" Consent, no cookies will be stored on the website user's computer until the user provides consent on cookie categories.
  2. Implied Consent: By selecting "Implied" Consent, the website user grants consent by actions such as continuous use of the website, particularly by scrolling or refreshing the page.

Note: Explicit consent is preferred over any other kind of consent in the majority of the privacy regulations. As per Recital 32 of GDPR - Consent should be given by a clear affirmative act establishing a freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of the data subject's agreement to the processing of personal data.

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Graphical user interface, text, application, email??Description automatically generated

Button Settings:

Configure the button settings for your banner based on the specific requirements of your applicable regulations.

  • "Accept All" Button: If this button is turned "On", then "Accept All" button will be displayed on the banner. It accepts all the cookie categories when clicked.
  • "Decline All" Button: If this button is turned "On", then "Decline All" button will be displayed on the banner. It declines all the cookie categories except essential cookies.
  • Preference Center: If this button is turned "On", then "Manage Preference" button will be displayed on the banner. It allows the users to access the second layer of the consent banner for collecting category wise user consent.
  • Close ('X') Preference Center: If this button is turned "On", then the close button icon (x) will be visible in the preference center page of the banner.
  • "Your Privacy" in Preference Center: If this button is turned "On", then a new tab "Your Privacy" will be visible in the Manage Preference banner. (You can change the text of the "Your Privacy" tab from Banner Content tab)
  • "Google Privacy Policy Link" in Preference Center: Google Privacy Policy link is required to be displayed in banner if Google Consent Mode is enabled.
  • "Privacy Policy" Button: If the Privacy Policy Button is turned "On" then a new button "Privacy Policy" will be displayed on the banner. When the user clicks on the "Privacy Policy" button, the user will be redirected to the Company's privacy policy page.

    Privacy Policy Link: Enter your Privacy Policy Link in the text box below.

  • "Show Powered By" Button: If this button is turned "On" then the "Powered by Mandatly" logo will be displayed.
    You are allowed to disable the "Powered By" button based on your subscribed edition.
  • Auto Reload Page on Consent: Web page will be reloaded after the user accepts/declines cookies in the Cookie Banner.
  • Show Language Selection: This button will display the language drop-down on the main banner and in the manage preference section. If there is only one language selected in the "Required language" field, then the language selection drop-down will not be shown.

Settings for GPC Notice:

Below settings determine the buttons to be shown on the GPC Notice displayed on the website when GPC signal is detected. These settings will be applied when "Display Cookie Banner with GPC Notice" option is selected under "Enable GPC Privacy Control (GPC)" setting in Banner Rule.

  • Show "Accept All" button
  • Show "Manage Preference" button

Style Settings:

  • Style: You can set the style of your banner.
  • Width: You can set the wideness of your banner.
  • Position: You can set the position of the banner to be displayed on the "Top or Bottom" of the page.
  • Theme: Select your Banner theme as Dark, Light or Custom Colors or you can also create new themes from Theme Master
  • z-index: z-index enables you to display the cookie banner in front of other website popup/elements.
  • Custom CSS: Customize your banner using the Custom CSS functionality and create a banner that looks like a part of your website and matches your website branding. Learn more

Note: Custom CSS style will be displayed on live banner only.

Floating Action Button Settings:

  • Floating Action Button: This button gives the website user an option to modify or withdraw their cookie preferences.  This option will display a floating action button on your website after the user accepts or declines the consent banner. 
  • Button Position: You can set the position of Button as left or right.

Next Step:

Relevant Resources: