After adding your website, you will be redirected to the Advanced settings for your website.


  1. If you want to go to the advance setting for your existing website, then go to website section from the side menu.
  2. Click on the website URL or click on the actions button, then click on edit option.

Banner Rule
The Banner Rule tab allows you to select different banner rule which can be used on your website targeting different banners templates for different Geo locations.

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You can use the default banner rule provided with the default banner templates or create your own.

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Banner Rule Details

You can add banner templates in the existing banner rule to display template in different Geo locations.

You will then be required to add banner Rule details. 

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Consent Settings

Configure your default consent settings using the below options.

Default Consent Mode (For all Cookie Categories): Default Consent Mode allows you to choose between the Opt-in and Opt-out consent mode for non-essential categories for particular region.

  1. Yes (Opt-in): All the cookie categories will be ON (Opt-in) by default. All the cookies belonging to those categories will be dropped in your browser as soon as the user opens the website.
  • Enable Global Privacy Control (GPC): Enable Global Privacy Control (GPC) to block the cookies in all the non-essential cookie categories until explicit consent is given by the visitor. This option overrides your default consent settings in GPC supporting browsers when the GPC signal is detected.  

Select Cookie Banner Display Behavior When GPC Signal is Detected:

  • Display Banner with GPC Signal Status: You can change the GPC Signal Status content in the Banner Content tab of Banner Template.
  • Display Banner with GPC notice: You can change the notice content in the Banner Design and Banner Content of Banner Template.
  • Do not show banner

  • Enable Do Not Track (DNT): Enable Do Not Track (DNT) to block the cookies in all the cookie categories until explicit consent is given by the visitor. This option overrides your default consent settings in GPC supporting browsers.  

2.   No (Opt-out): All the cookie categories (except Essential category) will be OFF (Opt-out) by default. All the cookies belonging to those categories will be after user consents explicitly to those categories on the banner. 

  • Enable Block Script Prior Consent: Block all third-party scripts from dropping cookies until the user explicitly gives consent on the Mandatly banner.

    Note: Auto blocking script or Manual blocking script must be enabled for this feature to 

You can also edit the existing banner rule details by clicking on any region you want to modify as shown below.

You can now edit the banner rule details as shown below.

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To create your custom Banner rule, go to Banner Rules

Banner Design

You can change the banner design, content, language preferences, etc. from banner design. Just select the Template you want to modify and click “Banner Design”.

To create your custom banner templates, go to Banner Templates

Next Step:

Relevant Resources: